Wow, so that is it until the next academic year - the last few weeks have been a whirlwind! But being in physical school this year has been fantastic. A big thank you to all the Klang family: students, teachers, parents and all supporters. We finished the
year with the final assembly and as is the norm, students were the ones who prepared and produced the event. The assembly highlighted successes in terms of ASMO competition winners, the MSSD basketball success, the attendance for this term and then the Sept to July full attendance award and a quick overview of the many different events this year. The final piece of the assembly was from our video/photography star, Koh Zhi Sern (Year 11) was a montage of the very recent charity event. In short, a celebration of this year.
I delayed the newsletter last week, as I wanted to capture everything before the summer break. Last week, we completed the Primary trips, so thanks to those parents who supported those trips. As with all trips, it is always good when all the students return and everyone had a great time. The trips can be hailed as a success: from the bird park to the zip wire. Our first adventure in MSSD basketball resulted in us coming out as group champions and yesterday, we held our first Charity concert, planned and performed and executed by the students themselves with very little direction from staff, but I would like to thank Mr Chang for his behind-the-scenes work. Yesterday, at the start of the event I announced a total of RM 14,000 in donations, but as of today’s tally we have collected the amazing total of RM 20,223!
Checkpoint results retraction and correction
In a previous Newsletter, I published the Lower Secondary Checkpoint results, but sadly there were some errors in the Cambridge data set that did not match the statement of results given to the students. Cambridge has re-issued the data file and verified that the statement of results scores are correct this time. I apologise on behalf of Cambridge and school for any embarrassment or upset caused to any student. I am pleased to announce that Tham Wing Yi (Isabelle) scored the perfect 150. Well done, Isabelle! And thank you for your patience and understanding while we waited for the new confirmed data files. Please see the revised information below.
Revised Checkpoint Results
Returning students
You will receive an email tomorrow outlining the return to school arrangements. This will include book lists, uniform and calendar for next year. Please read the email carefully. Every year we look at the existing form groups and change them if deemed necessary to give students a new experience, widen their social groups, even out mixed ability groups or in the case of Year 10 students: create form groups that coincide with Maths groups to support staff timetable delivery. When splitting up and forming a new tutor group, we consider form tutors' observations and views and existing friendship groups as much as is viable and attainment where applicable.
Lastly, I would like to formally say a fond a farewell to the following members of staff and we wish them well in their future endeavours. All these members of staff were the founding members of the school and I hope everyone will join me in thanking them for
their contributions to the school over the last 3 years.
Best wishes: Ms Suzanne Louise, Ms Thenmoli, Ms Ong Cheng Cheng and Mr Eassen Low!
I wish everyone, teachers and students a safe and restful holiday.
April Peters
Sri KDU International School Klang is a school that genuinely empowers its students to become leaders and shine with their unique talents. At Sri KDU International School, Klang, the emphasis on leadership is evident in everything they do. From the dedicated teachers who inspire and guide their students to the various programs and opportunities that encourage leadership development, Sri KDU International School, Klang truly goes above and beyond to help its students become the best versions of themselves.
The teachers at Sri KDU International School, Klang have played a tremendous part in my growth and success. They have always been approachable and supportive, providing me with guidance and mentorship when I needed it most. They have also pushed me to reach my full potential and challenged me to think critically and creatively.