Student Wellbeing
The health and safety of our children and staff are our topmost priority. Sri KDU Schools is committed in providing a safe and secure environment for our community.
There is a security post each at the main entrance and exit to the school premises with guards on 24-hour duty. There are closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in the building. For the purpose of security control, all students are required to be dressed in uniform during school hours and while attending co-curricular activities. All teachers, academic and administrative personnel are required to wear the staff identification tag. Parents and other visitors would need to register at the guard post when entering the school compound.
The school has a full-time registered nurse who provides school nursing services across both Primary and Secondary schools. The nurse provides first aid treatment throughout the school day and during school events.
Pastoral Care
We have a full-time well-qualified School Counsellor who provides support for emotional well-being and career guidance to the students. The Counsellor works with the students in Primary and Secondary in a range of age-appropriate ways and coordinates with other staff as necessary.
Covid-19 Safety Measures
In our ongoing efforts to create a safe and conducive learning environment for the students return, Sri KDU Schools has established a comprehensive set of COVID-19 safety protocols in partnership with Columbia Asia Hospital. All these safety and hygiene measures taken by the School Administrators comply with rules and regulations as stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Malaysian National Security Council.
On top of the implemented safety measures and stringent guidelines, 100% of our teachers and support staff are fully vaccinated.
Taking precautionary steps in ensuring the school is safe from COVID-19 infection by implementing and enforcing strict measures on hygiene practices. All measures taken by the School Administrators comply with rules and regulations as stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Malaysian National Security Council.
- All school staff will be required to be fully vaccinated before they are allowed onto our school premises. This includes academic/academic-support staff & service providers (security guards, cafeteria operators, cleaners, CCA coaches).
- Students who are not fully vaccinated will be allowed onto our school premises but temperature checks will be taken before they are allowed to enter the school.
- The school is actively encouraging all eligible students to participate in the Covid-19 Student Vaccination Programme, though we will not be making this compulsory.
Visitor Control
- Only fully vaccinated new prospective parents/visitors/service providers are allowed into the school.
- Unvaccinated children who are not registered with the school are required to undergo an RTK Antigen Test. The child is allowed to enter the school if the test result is negative.
- Visitors who are waiting for a COVID-19 PCR Test result, under home-quarantine, or having flu-like symptoms will NOT be permitted to enter the school.
Health Screening & Temperature Checks
Everyone who enters the school shall be subjected to the following entrance checks at the school entrance.
- For all staff, students and visitors: Check for temperature and use hand sanitizer upon arriving.
- For staff and adult visitors: Scan using the MySejahtera Apps. Only individuals who are fully vaccinated and are currently Low Risk individuals will be allowed into the school premises.
General Personal Hygiene
Everyone at the school shall
- Wear a face mask at all times. Double-masking is encouraged though not compulsory.
- Avoid physical contact with other people.
- Wash hands or use a hand sanitizer (available inside every classroom) frequently.
- Maintain a 1-metre distance with other people at all times; clear flooring demarcation will be made where applicable.
- Dispose used masks/gloves or dirty tissues/wipes/paper towels into covered waste bins.
Returning from Overseas after Break/Holiday
- Staff and students who have just returned from overseas within a 1-month period must be quarantined as per government regulations and allowed to return to school with an authorized clearance status in the MySejahtera Apps.
Cleaning and Disinfection (Sanitizing)
- There will be daily cleaning and disinfection (sanitizing) of surfaces and objects that are frequently used, including high touch areas and/or objects in the classrooms and all teaching spaces.
Reminders and Signages of COVID Protocols
- Posters and visuals are installed at all strategic locations around the school to remind students and staff of the COVID protocols in place.
- Teachers will provide regular reminders to students to observe these protocols.
- Public announcements and reminders will be broadcasted regularly, for example during the arrival time, recess time and/or dismissal time.
Pick-Up or Drop-Off
- Parents/guardians are allowed to pick-up or drop-off student at designated areas. They are not allowed to exit their vehicles..
- During drop off time before school begins, temperature checks will be conducted on parents/guardians upon arrival from time to time. If the parent or guardian has an elevated body temperature above 37.5ºC, their child will not be allowed to enter the school for that day. Hence, please refrain from sending your child to school if you or other stay-in family members are feeling unwell.
Private Pick-up (Bus/Van) Services
Bus/Van service provider shall
- Wear a mask and provide hand sanitizers to students.
- Take the temperature of each student before boarding the bus/van during pick-up from the students’ homes.
- Ensure that the number of students in a bus/van at any time is in accordance with the maximum seats available following social distancing.
- Keep vehicle windows open and adjust air-conditioning (air-flow) to promote air circulation inside the vehicle.
- Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces, such as: vehicle door handle, handrail, windows and seats every day.
Travelling by Public Transport
Staff/student shall
- Wear a face mask and avoid touching the face. Double-masking is highly recommended.
- Maintain a safe distance from other passengers/commuters.
- Wash or sanitize hands upon arriving at the school.
- All classroom windows and doors will be opened to allow increased air movement/flow throughout the day. Air-conditioners will continue to be used in each classroom to ensure the temperature is at a comfortable level for students and staff.
- Students’ seating will be arranged to accommodate physical (social) distancing of 1- metre.
- Students will be assigned to a fixed seating position within a classroom.
- Cleaning of all classroom surfaces will be carried out on a daily basis.
Protocols During Class
- All teachers and students are required to use a face mask when in classroom.
- Counselling teachers shall conduct regular mental health checks to properly identify students who are likely to be affected by the current control measures at the school.
- No visitors, including parents will be allowed into an active classroom with students and teachers inside.
Outdoor Activities
- Outdoor group activities are allowable in accordance with the MOE SOPs. In such cases, students shall come to school wearing the appropriate sports uniform from home.
- Activities that require physical touching are not allowed.
- The implementation of group activities around the field, hall or court must meet the 1 to 3 metres physical distancing rule.
- Students shall bring their own drinking water, food, clothes, face towels and personal equipment.
- The school will clean and disinfect all surfaces and shared objects after the activity.
- Teachers and students must wash hands with soap and water or with a hand sanitizer before and after the activity.
Students shall
- Bring food and cutlery from home if possible. Parents are not allowed to send food to their children during the schooling hours.
- Wash hands before and after every meal.
- Not share food, drink or cutlery with other students.
- Eat in a well-ventilated area supervised by teachers to ensure social distancing is observed at all times.
- Cafeteria/canteen operator shall
- Serve pre-packed food only
- Accept ‘cash-less’ payments.
Toilets and Restrooms
Students shall
- Wear a face mask at all times. Double-masking is encouraged though not compulsory.
- Close the toilet seat cover after using and then flush the toilet.
- Wash hands with soap after using the toilet.
- Dispose used tissues/towels into the covered bins provided.
Handling of Unwell Student/Staff
The School Nurse shall oversee the following protocols.
- Any staff or students who show symptoms of illness during the school day will be quarantined for observation (e.g.: monitoring body temperature). No two persons will be in the same quarantine room at any one time.
- The school will contact the parent/guardian immediately while monitoring the condition.
- The school will obtain parent’s consent before performing an RTK Antigen Test if the student exhibits flu-like symptoms and will notify the parent/guardian of the test results.
School Dismissal
- Parents/guardians/drivers to arrive just before the designated pick-up time as the school implements staggered dismissal to minimize crowding.
- All students must return directly to their homes after the end of school session. Note that this is a condition set by the Ministry of Education and Health.
- All students are encouraged to take a shower and change clothes after arriving home from school.
To ensure the above protocols are followed it is vital that all parties play their role and work together to keep our students and staff community safe.
School Administrators are responsible for:
- Implementing and enforcing proper preventive measures effectively by providing all necessary resources, information and training.
- Engaging with all stakeholders constantly on the latest development in a prompt and transparent way.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for:
- Monitoring the child/children closely and their health daily. If they are feeling unwell or developing flu-like symptoms (like fever, cough, sore throat), please do not send the child to school.
- Helping to explain and remind the child of the importance of social distancing, wearing masks, maintaining personal hygiene and other safety practices before coming to school.
- Submitting the Travel and Health Self-Declaration Form (SDF) when school reopens after break or holiday.
Students are responsible for:
- Wearing a face mask properly at all times, maintaining social distancing and personal hygiene at the school.
School Policies
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Behaviour for Learning Policy
- Complaints & Escalation Policy
- Haze Management Procedures.
- Health Safety Policy
- Heat Management Procedures
- Language Policy
- Library Policy and Guidelines
- Safeguarding Child Protection Policy
- School Health & Illness Guidelines
- Student Transfer Policy
Sri KDU International School Klang is a school that genuinely empowers its students to become leaders and shine with their unique talents. At Sri KDU International School, Klang, the emphasis on leadership is evident in everything they do. From the dedicated teachers who inspire and guide their students to the various programs and opportunities that encourage leadership development, Sri KDU International School, Klang truly goes above and beyond to help its students become the best versions of themselves.
The teachers at Sri KDU International School, Klang have played a tremendous part in my growth and success. They have always been approachable and supportive, providing me with guidance and mentorship when I needed it most. They have also pushed me to reach my full potential and challenged me to think critically and creatively.