Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well.
Last Monday, in assembly we launched the Dragon Boat Festival hosted by the
Mandarin department, so thank you to the staff and students for coordinating the event
and activities this week.
For the rest of the week, the IGCSE 2024 Summer Series ended yesterday (Thursday,
13th June) and today (Friday, 14th June) the Year 11s were in school for a photoshoot
session in preparation for their graduation next Friday.
Yesterday (Thursday, 13th June) we had a Primary trip out of school to the KL Tower for
EYFS up to the Year 3s. It was infectious to see how excited the children were before
leaving, as for some of them, it was their first ever trip. A lovely day was had by all and
thank you to parents and staff involved in the trip.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday (12th June) and Thursday (13th June), the debate finals
were held for both Primary and Secondary. I saw the Secondary debate. It was in the
British parliamentary style, and I was impressed by each student's preparation and
their ability to respond the POIs raised by the opposition. A big thank you to the Debate
and Public Speaking Club, Mr Gobi, all judges and students who helped to deliver
another high calibre event.
Next week, we have the Year 6 transition week, and Mr. Narish has completed a
briefing for parents this morning on what to expect as the children move into Secondary
to start their next exciting learning journey after graduating from Primary school. I
would like to inform that next week on Tuesday, Mr. Syamsul, our Librarian will be away
from school, so please note that books can be returned but not borrowed on this day.
As we hurtle to the end of the academic year, preparation and practising is in full swing
for the Charity Concert on the 28th. Thank you to those who have already bought
tickets or given additional donations to support Teach for Malaysia. There is still time…
tickets are available from form tutors/ class teachers and donations can be made at
our reception.
Next Friday, 21st June, we are hosting the Year 6 and Year 11 graduation ceremonies. I
am looking forward to welcoming parents and celebrating the children moving on to
their next learning journeys.
Finally, I wanted to thank the parents who responded to the Parental Survey. This
week, I met with Mr. Rhys Thomas, the incoming Principal, to review the initial
results and on Tuesday, 18th June, you will receive an email outlining the response
and initial actions to move forward. It was agreed that Mr. Thomas would be best
placed to respond, and he also wanted to show his commitment to listening to and
working with parents to further develop the school. Please do watch out for the
Wishing everyone a pleasant long weekend and Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to our
Muslim families.
April Peters
Information for your action:
FREE HPV vaccinations Sunday 16th June at Gurdwara Sahib Klang from 11:00am
to 2:00pm
National Cancer Society Malaysia is offering a free HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
vaccine for all eligible girl students. HPV is a common virus that can lead to certain
types of cancer later in life, and getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent it. See
location and QR code for registration.
Library book returns or loan extensions deadline – 26th June
Please ensure that your children return library books or arrange for an extension over
the summer holiday by Wednesday 26th June, otherwise fines will be imposed over the
summer holiday. Please speak to Mr. Syamsul should you have any questions.
School Pick Up and Drop Off - Driving etiquette: a reminder.
1. For those in the 'Fast Lane' for quick pick up and drop off on the lane next to the
campus fence, cars should approach by the end of the road and U-turn without cutting
into the line. I appreciate that with the work that was taking place at the end of road,
the usual flow had to be altered a little. The work is now complete and therefore, cars
should return to the previous fast lane procedures.
2. I would like to remind all parents that unless there is an event in school, no parent
should be driving or walking into the school campus to pick up their children without
prior approval from the Principal and a school Sri KDU car sticker on their windscreen.
With exemptions given to the transporters who enter via the new Electronic Gate B. No
parents should be driving into campus via Gate B. This is to maintain safety on campus
and to restrict the number of entry points to ensure we can monitor the safety of the
students during drop off and dismissal.
I would appreciate your support in the above 2 matters to ensure safety and parity for
all and thank you in advance.
Library Closure
Kindly take note that the library will be closed all day next Tuesday 18th June. If your
child normally waits in the library after school for pick up, then they can wait in the area
outside the library.
Establishing a School Catering Committee
In a recent Newsletter I announced some changes to the pricing and menus for the
cafeteria. As a follow-up, and to again address some issues raised in the Parental
Survey, I would like to ask for any parents who can give a little time, likely 6 meetings a
year, to be a representative on this new committee. Please email
[email protected], and below I have included the objectives and make-up of the
group; 2 parents in total, 1 Primary and 1 Secondary parent who have a child that eats
the cafeteria food on a regular basis.
The objectives of the School Catering Committee include:
1. Ensuring the provision of healthy and balanced meals for students.
2. Reviewing and approving menus prepared by the school caterer.
3. Addressing any concerns or suggestions from students, parents and staff
regarding school meals.
4. Ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations.
5. Promoting healthy eating habits among students.
6. Managing the pricing of meals.
The committee will serve as a liaison between the school administration, students,
parents and the catering service provider to ensure effective communication and
collaboration. It will comprise the following members:
• A Chairperson (member of school staff appointed by the Principal)
• A Secretary (member of school staff responsible for recording minutes)
• One Staff Representative (teaching or non-teaching staff)
• Two Student Representatives (one from Primary, one from Secondary)
• Two Parent Representatives (one from Primary, one from Secondary)
• One representative from the catering service provider – Ms. Anis
Upcoming events Dates:
- 17th: School closed - Public Holiday Hari Raya Haji
- 18th: Parental Survey response email sent out
- 21st: Year 6 Graduation at 9:00am and Year 11 Graduation at 2:00pm
- 23rd: Cambridge Checkpoint Results Released.
- 27th: PTC from 9:00 to 5pm
- 28th: Charity Concert from 9:00am to 11pm on Ticket Entry.
- 28th: End of Year Class Parties - NO NUTS IN FOOD OR DRINK
- 28th: End of Academic Year 23/24
July and August:
- 1st to 19th Aug: School closed for summer break
- 13th: IGCSE results released online
Sri KDU International School Klang is a school that genuinely empowers its students to become leaders and shine with their unique talents. At Sri KDU International School, Klang, the emphasis on leadership is evident in everything they do. From the dedicated teachers who inspire and guide their students to the various programs and opportunities that encourage leadership development, Sri KDU International School, Klang truly goes above and beyond to help its students become the best versions of themselves.
The teachers at Sri KDU International School, Klang have played a tremendous part in my growth and success. They have always been approachable and supportive, providing me with guidance and mentorship when I needed it most. They have also pushed me to reach my full potential and challenged me to think critically and creatively.