Health Services in Sri KDU
At Sri KDU International School, both academic success and student safety and well-being are prioritized. The school has taken measures to ensure a safe environment and the school clinic supports students' physical and emotional health.
School Clinic services include:
- Community health advisory
- First Aid and Emergency on site treatment
- Medical Assessment
- Health Promotion
- Medication Dispensary
Sri KDU SJ Clinic Flow
- Upon arrival at the clinic, students will be registered and assessed by the School Nurse. • Students will be triaged by the Nurse to determine appropriate treatment.
- Appropriate treatment and advice will be given and first aid applied as per instructions on the signed medical consent.
- A medical incident report will be created for serious accidents or incidents.
- The student will be sent back to the class if deemed to be stable by the School Nurse.
- Unwell students will be observed after treatment for around 20 to 30 minutes in the clinic.
- Students who need to stay longer may need to go home at the discretion of the School Nurse.
- For serious incidents and illnesses, parents will be contacted via their registered telephone numbers. If the main contact number is not answered, the clinic will try others on record.
- If both parents do not answer; the medical form consent instructions will be followed.
- When a student is required to go home, the school nurse will make contact with the parents from the clinic, and ask them to pick up their child.
If you have any questions about this or the service program, please contact the School Clinic; [email protected] or [email protected]
We visited numerous international schools in Klang-Valley and Sri KDU Subang Jaya was not even on our list. Reason being it is way out of our travelling radius. However, we are glad we made the visit to the school before our final call, and it was the best decision ever! It was a huge transition period for us during the first 2 weeks into school, but the school’s team (Teachers, Administrative and Parent’s Teacher Association) made us feel right at home. We were given clear guidance and was kept well informed on the happenings in the school. My daughter blended into the community quite well with the care provided by the Homeroom teacher. All the teachers here are the kindest, as she told me. She looks forward to going to school and has become more disciplined in terms on knowing what tasks she needs to complete daily. She has gained so much confidence during this short period of time and was given the encouragement to explore and develop her abilities here. She was just selected as the new Primary House Captain for Year 6 AY2022/2023.
Every parent want to find the ‘perfect’ school for their child and are afraid of making the wrong decision. For us, as long she is safe and happy, we believe, she will eventually find the way to her own success.