School Clinic
At Sri KDU National School, both academic success and student safety and well-being are prioritized. The school has taken measures to ensure a safe environment and the school clinic supports students' physical and emotional health.
School Clinic services include:
- Community health advisory
- First Aid and Emergency on site treatment
- Medical Assessment
- Health Promotion
- Medication Dispensary
Sekolah Sri KDU Clinic Flow
- Upon arrival at the clinic, students will be registered and assessed by the School Nurse.
- Students will be triaged by the Nurse to determine appropriate treatment.
- Appropriate treatment and advice will be given and first aid applied as per instructions on the signed medical consent.
- A medical incident report will be created for serious accidents or incidents.
- The student will be sent back to the class if deemed to be stable by the School Nurse.
- Unwell students will be observed after treatment for around 20 to 30 minutes in the clinic.
- Students who need to stay longer may need to go home at the discretion of the School Nurse.
- For serious incidents and illnesses, parents will be contacted via their registered telephone numbers. If the main contact number is not answered, the clinic will try others on record.
- If both parents do not answer; the medical form consent instructions will be followed.
- When a student is required to go home, the school nurse will make contact with the parents from the clinic, and ask them to pick up their child.