Primary Assessment and Report
Assessment and Reporting are an important part of the teaching and learning programme at Sri KDU International Primary School. They combine to support students by providing the basis for further learning, as well as informing parents about their child’s achievement and progress. Sri KDU International Primary School uses objectives from the National Curriculum of England age-related expectations to assess student progress and achievement from Year 1 to Year 6. Though children develop at different rates, the National Curriculum learning objectives provide an indication of how children’s progress compares to what is typical for their age.
Assessment refers to all the ways we gather information about progress in a student’s learning. We design assessment tasks which reflect the learning objectives and success criteria, ensuring they are relevant and meaningful. Judgements on attainment and progress are made using the following processes:
- On-going (formative) teacher assessment through observations and assessment for learning techniques such as peer discussions.
- End of unit or topic tests (summative) providing evidence of retention and application of learning objectives.
Classroom assessments aim to:
- Facilitate the application of knowledge and skills including higher order thinking skills, as well as factual recall.
- Involve students in reflection and help them to understand themselves as learners.
- Standardise expectations consistently across classes, agreed through collegiate moderation.
At the end of Year 6 students take the Sats tests (Statutory Assessment Tests) in Reading and Maths. The results of these tests do not form the end result on the report for a child but are simply another method of summative assessment.

Student Involvement
Students in Sri KDU International Primary School are encouraged to be participants in the assessment and reporting process. This means that students have the opportunity to:
- Monitor and evaluate their own progress through self-assessment.
- Assess the work of their peers against agreed criteria.
- Set goals and targets for their own learning.
- Provide reflections about their learning in student-led conferences with their parents.
Monitoring Student Progress
Sri KDU International Primary School monitors and tracks student achievement and progress on a continuous basis throughout the year. This information is entered on a school database, which keeps records of student learning over time, to assist the teachers with lesson planning and target setting. The Sri KDU International Primary School Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers use the data as a starting point for discussions about achievement with class teachers. The data is also used to inform intervention.
Reporting to Parents
We report to parents and students both formally and informally. There are two written reports per year: mid-year (December) and end-of-year (June) summative reports.
The Term 1 report includes the setting of targets for children to work towards over the remainder of the year.
The Term 3 report is a summative report of the progress and achievements of the child throughout the academic year, in line with the National Curriculum for England. Teachers also comment on the personal development of the child during the year.
The language we use in the reports is as follows:
- Working Towards (working towards their understanding of the current objectives whilst becoming secure in previous objectives)
- Beginning (just starting to learn a new skill)
- Developing (showing an increased understanding in that area)
- Secure (they are secure in their understanding and can apply this knowledge in a range of contexts)
In addition to the written reports, there are three PTCs (Parent Teacher Conferences) per year.
In Term 1 a Teacher-led Conference provides details of how the children are settling into their class, discusses the student’s progress and sets out targets for further learning.
In Term 2 a short Student-led Conference is held where the children discuss their own progress and learning with their parents.
At the end of Term 3, parents are invited to attend a final, longer Student Led Conference. On this day, school is closed for normal lessons, allowing sufficient time to be taken for each conference.
In addition to the above, parents may request a confidential interview with the teacher at any time, if they have a concern about their child’s well-being, curriculum or progress. Staff can be emailed at any point if parents are worried or do not feel that they understand their child’s progress reports.
We visited numerous international schools in Klang-Valley and Sri KDU Subang Jaya was not even on our list. Reason being it is way out of our travelling radius. However, we are glad we made the visit to the school before our final call, and it was the best decision ever! It was a huge transition period for us during the first 2 weeks into school, but the school’s team (Teachers, Administrative and Parent’s Teacher Association) made us feel right at home. We were given clear guidance and was kept well informed on the happenings in the school. My daughter blended into the community quite well with the care provided by the Homeroom teacher. All the teachers here are the kindest, as she told me. She looks forward to going to school and has become more disciplined in terms on knowing what tasks she needs to complete daily. She has gained so much confidence during this short period of time and was given the encouragement to explore and develop her abilities here. She was just selected as the new Primary House Captain for Year 6 AY2022/2023.
Every parent want to find the ‘perfect’ school for their child and are afraid of making the wrong decision. For us, as long she is safe and happy, we believe, she will eventually find the way to her own success.