Primary Parent Engagement Program
Every Friday, the Sri KDU International Primary School Head Teacher sends out a bulletin, uploaded to the Parent Portal, to Sri KDU International Primary School parents. This bulletin keeps parents informed about life in Sri KDU International Primary School, with key information about upcoming events and celebrating things which have happened in school.
This bulletin is in addition to the whole school SKID bulletin which the Head of Primary, writes each week. Parents can keep up to date with overall life in SKID by following the International School Facebook Page.
Parents meet teachers to discuss their child’s progress during the year group designated Parent-Teacher-Conferences (PTC). The dates for these meetings are shown on the school calendar.
Parents will receive progress reports regarding their child’s performance twice a year. Teachers may request parents to attend a meeting regarding a student’s performance outside of the normal scheduled meetings.
Curriculum Information
Further to the bulletins, the teachers also upload a Curriculum Overview each half-term to the Parent Portal which details the curriculum learning which will be taking place.
At the beginning of each year, parents are emailed the Curriculum Overview for the class, for the entire academic year, as well as the class timetable.
Throughout the year there are workshops about phonics, assessment / reports, Building Learning Power and safety which will help parents understand what we are working towards in school with the students.
Sri KDU International Primary School staff also use Class Dojo as a means to keep parents updated with what their child has been learning about. Class Dojo, whilst being used to reward behaviour, is additionally used to post notices, photographs and videos.
PTCs and Reporting
Whilst parents have opportunities to speak informally to teachers and the Sri KDU International Primary School Head Teacher each morning before school, there are also three Parent-Teacher-Conferences (PTCs) each year. The dates for these meetings are shown in advance on the school calendar.
Parents will receive two progress reports each year regarding their child’s performance.
Teachers may request parents to attend a meeting regarding a student’s performance outside of the normal scheduled meetings.
Please also see our assessment page for further information.We also hold a Meet the Head Teacher Coffee Morning at the start of the year and a Meet the Teacher afternoon during which time parents will be able to visit their child's new classroom and find out about the curriculum. Parent Representatives are nominated by parents of students from each respective class to attend a regular parent forum to discuss the school. Parent Workshops are also organised to assist parents to adapt to the use of new systems or technology that are implemented by the school as well as to highlight the teaching strategies used in class and how they can best support their child at home.
We hope to be able to answer any questions that you have on these occasions, but are always happy to meet with or arrange telephone appointments to discuss individual concerns that may arise at other times.
Please click here for the primary school handbook:

We visited numerous international schools in Klang-Valley and Sri KDU Subang Jaya was not even on our list. Reason being it is way out of our travelling radius. However, we are glad we made the visit to the school before our final call, and it was the best decision ever! It was a huge transition period for us during the first 2 weeks into school, but the school’s team (Teachers, Administrative and Parent’s Teacher Association) made us feel right at home. We were given clear guidance and was kept well informed on the happenings in the school. My daughter blended into the community quite well with the care provided by the Homeroom teacher. All the teachers here are the kindest, as she told me. She looks forward to going to school and has become more disciplined in terms on knowing what tasks she needs to complete daily. She has gained so much confidence during this short period of time and was given the encouragement to explore and develop her abilities here. She was just selected as the new Primary House Captain for Year 6 AY2022/2023.
Every parent want to find the ‘perfect’ school for their child and are afraid of making the wrong decision. For us, as long she is safe and happy, we believe, she will eventually find the way to her own success.